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Table of Contents
LDAP on Linphone (Android)
1. Open hamburger menu (top left) and choose “Settings”
2. Choose “New LDAP configuration”
3. Add the LDAP configuration with the described data from LDAP Phonebook
LDAP on Linphone (Linux - AppImage)
1. Choose “Settings” the gear menu (botton left)
2. Choose the “+” (Plussign) next to LDAP in the register “Advanced” and open the LDAP configuration throug a click on “ldap:///”
3. Add the LDAP configuration with the described data from LDAP Phonebook
4. Activate the LDAP configuration with the slider next to the LDAP configuration
LDAP phonebook configuration
ldap_on_linphone.1735352110.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/12/28 02:15 by lostinweb